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This form can be filled out by the employer representative, or by the Food Processing Skills Canada coordinator as they discuss the project with the employer. This form is designed to collect information that will help the Succeeding at Work Language Stream program coordinators understand some basic information about the companies who are enrolled in the program. We will use the information that you provide on this form to understand what types of training might be of most benefit to your organization, and to highlight specific skills and areas of potential interest for your company.

*** Information you provide on this form will be used for Succeeding at Work Language Stream program purposes only ***

Employer Contact Information

Facility Location

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Describing the Company

Implementation Considerations for Succeeding at Work Language Stream

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Before you proceed... A gentle reminder that this program is only available to Ontario Employers at this time. Please visit for other programs and training resources. Are you an Employee? Please click here for an Information Sheet listing the benefits of the SAW Language Stream program to have a conversation with your employer. Thank you for your interest.

Benefits for Ontario Employers

  • Removing barriers in education and skills training opportunities.
  • There is no cost to you or your company, just a willingness and a commitment to be better.
  • Increasing Food Safety and Workplace Safety regulations according to the new protocols.
  • Develop a continuous learning environment.
  • Participants have an opportunity to practice scenarios and test their knowledge before taking it to the floor.
  • We make it easy with a customized online learning portal for your company to house reports and updates on employee progress.